Safety Tips For Easter Road Trips

Easter is the time of year that families travel far and wide to spend the long weekend together. In preparation for this busy time on the roads, we’ve put together some tips to ensure that you and your family have the safest Easter possible.

Prepare your vehicle

Conduct a 5 point safety check on tyres, brakes, suspension, lights and restraints.

Check your tyre pressure when your tyres are cold, as under inflation of tyres can cause excessive tyre wear and tear. Correctly inflated tyres will also improve your fuel economy.

Make sure your lights are working for any night time driving you may do over the long weekend. It’s also a good time to clean the lenses for maximum visibility.

Check your battery strength- a dead battery is not what you want when you’re due at the in-laws place for the traditional family egg hunt.

Remember, not everything is open over this long weekend, so make sure you have all your supplies, from spare tyres to extra oil.

Plan your trip

Plan a safe route on well lit roads and work out your rest stops and overnight stays before hand.

Have your GPS set. For those who haven’t graduated to GPS technology yet, get out that trusty map!

Don’t waste fuel and time driving around looking for your destination.

Take a break

Stop every 2 hours for a 15 minute break

Slow Down

Be aware of speed limits on unknown roads. Remember, it’s double demerit points all Easter weekend.

Remember that everyone is in the same position as you. Don’t get frustrated. Be patient and wait until you reach dual lanes or only overtake when it is 100% safe to do so.

Share the driving

If there is more then one driver in the car, share the load. This gives everyone the chance to have a nap and recharge their batteries if you are driving a long distance.

If you are a lone driver, remember to take a break. Rather add extra time to your trip due to rest breaks then drive tired and risk injuring yourself and others.

Keep safe on the roads this long weekend and have a fun, happy and relaxing Easter!

Do you have any road safety tips you could share with us this Easter?

Please leave your comments below.

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